Thursday, January 24, 2013


Living in the world of martial arts, I've come to learn that if you do not want to take the first step to try something, then no one can force you to accomplish anything. It is solely up to you to decide do you or do you not want to accomplish that goal.

What bothers me the most is, people who don't even bother to try. I'm not saying I'm selfish in offering my help. But you are fully capable of doing that particular task, so why not try before giving up and saying you can't? How much longer do you want to keep telling yourself you can't?

I still remembered till this day what my master taught me, he says, the mind is the greatest tool you possess, if you say you can do it, then you will, if you can't, then you can't. You can only lead the cow to the river, but you can't force it to drink the water.

So, think about it, the next time you want to try something new, tell yourself that you can do it and take that first step. Because that first step, may be the doorway to many other adventures you will have in the future.