Thursday, June 11, 2009


Yay!Tournament is done at last!
Day 1
Arrived at Queensbay Mall at 12.30pm,the first event of the day,sparring started.Aaron and Ah Tong lost..Too bad,but don't worry,you all tried your best..Then,children's demo at 3pm and adults' and children's self-defense demo at 5pm..So nervous doing self-defense with Ah Fook...Lucky didn't forget anything...Then,Poomsae and Breaking event..So scared..Jason said the first thing to do if you wanna win poomsae is power,so I did my patterns with power...After that,breaking event,Archangels and my another team which name is so complicated...Then,the kids' team so cute!And of course adults team:Fearless and Pentagon..The team from Chukwon,Perak was so cool,they were doing taerobiks and gymnastics combined with taekwondo..Too bad kor got injured on the knee so he didn't finish the breaking event.Don't worry kor,you tried your best!Thank you so much for coming Xin Yi!!Then it was end of Day 1 and I went to sleep so damn early because I was so damn tired...So nervous the next day!!!
Day 2
Arrived at Queensbay Mall(again)at 12pm...Sparring!So scared and I'm Round 51 Ring B..As if my luck is not 'good' enough,my category is combined with another category so I'm gonna fight with people who is heavier than me,not to mention taller than me!Well,at least I'm in semi-finals,so even if I lose,I'm still a bronze medalist.First up,Michaela..And she won!!Before that was kor's turn but he had to walk-over cause of his injury...Then,Ah Huat..Don't know what's wrong with the referee,he kicked so many times but still lose..Then Jin Shan...Yay!He won!Then,Johnson's turn..He won too...Then,finally..I saw who I'm gonna fight with and I froze..She was so tall and she's a black belt!!!!Then,Michaela's turn..She won silver.,lost in finals..Jin Shan and Johnson won gold!!!My turn...Bowed,shouted..Got kicked at the jaw and redraw....Then Jessie got gold!!!!Jan,thanks so much for coming to support!!
Prize giving time...Took pictures with everybody and although I didn't win in sparring..Well,I'll try harder next time and I realized I can't chew even bread!!Ouch!!