Thursday, August 27, 2009

I don't know why, these few days seemed like living in hell to me.Everything that I've always wished to happen seemed to fade away.Well, honestly, all along, putting a mask on my face and acting like who I'm not really is a hard thing to do.It's just really hard, not only am I lying to people, I'm lying to myself and hurting my own heart and soul.But if I don't put on this mask I've always been putting on, will you all still accept me for who I am?Will you still love me and talk to me for who I am?Or will you too fade away like the rest of them?All I know is that I'm tired of being who I'm not, I'm tired of all these acting, I don't want to be a hypocrite anymore, I wanna be me.Just me, the plain, simple girl just like everybody leading a simple life in this cruel, chaotic world.Can I really do that?Without having to face any consequences?Because I truly am tired...