Saturday, January 2, 2010

A new post, A new year..

Since most of my posts are all very very negative, I shall rewrite my post for 1st of January 2010. As you see, my first post of the year 2010 is not a good one too.

1st January 2010, 12.00 a.m.
As I was feeling rather down at that time, sitting on my bed, leaning against my bedroom wall, all of a sudden, as the clock strike twelve, people started shouting " Happy New Year! ". Then, all of a sudden, the fireworks just exploded, right in front of my eyes. I could not describe how I felt that time. Watching that, a smile spread across my face, smouldering my anger and I could feel it melting away as my heart welcomed the new year.
It is a miracle how certain things can make you smile no matter how bad your temper was at that moment, or no matter how sad you were. As I watch the fireworks, it was as if it was meant for me. And that people, I felt blessed.
So, once again, a very happy new year to you folks!