Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is it that important?

Like I mention in the title above, I'm referring to alcohol, yep people, alcohol. Some of us finds it a must to take it, may it be entertainment or business purpose. Maybe I have no right to have my say in this, but to me, it's not really a big deal.
So what if I don't take alcohol? So sue me? After all, I have seen a lot of the ugly sides of taking alcohol. I don't understand why alcohol is so important, I seriously really don't. Like recently, I'm not mentioning names. I can't describe how disgusted I was, to see alcohol being drank. Well, not exactly disgusted, but I would say it's not my cup of tea.
So, if I'll grow up drinking alcohol, then I'll shut up about this topic. But, if I don't, I'll make sure it won't be one of the factors pulling me down to my journey of success. After all, there are so many ways to achieve success.