At my grandma's house..
We watched Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone and ate our snacks.After awhile, we suddenly wanted to make the small sausage and cheese bread roll which I always make.So, we went down to buy the materials.Much to our dismay, the only shop which sold what we needed was closed!We walked everywhere and at last, decided to buy bread and eggs to make egg sandwiches.Firstly, Phooi Yuee jie fried her egg while I boiled Fionne's and mine.Then, Vanessa cooked her scramble eggs.
And this is what our eggs look like..
Well, those were our eggs!
After eating, we wash up and continue watching the television until 6.30 pm when I waited until everyone went home.Well, today was certainly an exciting day.
Last but not least, a very very big big thank you and arigato gozaimasu to Vanessa, Phooi Yuee jie and Fionne for helping me with the dishes and cleaning up!Not to mention to Ayesha and Dianah's family for the mouth watering food!
Arigato everyone and Selamat Hari Raya!Maaf Zahir dan Batin!
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