Tuesday, December 15, 2009

As the saying goes, which I'm very sure almost every student hates to hear, time flies when you're having fun. Indeed it does, in a blink of an eye, the long term school holidays has come to an end, well, almost. Well informed that next year will be one of the most important year for me, I have yet to study a single chapter of any subject. Pleasant isn't it? Laziness has swept over me like an overwhelmed wave and I have practically let go of all my knowledge and have drifted to paradise.

On the other hand, paranoia seems to be a very annoying sickness that gets on my nerves during times when I just can't stop worrying about someone's safety, or what will their reactions be. And this had led me to total annoyance because till I know you're safe, I shall remain restless. And I really do not meant to stop you from going, it's just that I have a bad feeling, thanks to my total paranoia and my behavior of a day dreamer.

All I can do now is pray and pray for the safety of those I love. May God be with you all and bless you.