Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So called Wish List

As you people know, The Duchess of Angels is dying of boredom here. Too lazy to open her books to study, I shall create a Wish List. Just for fun of it.

1) Do. Not. Get. Paranoid.
2) Get a the happiest and unforgettable sweet sixteen birthday.
3) Stay in first class until Form 5.
4) Do. Not. Become. A. Maniac.
5) Get better in training to shut the fuck up everyone's mouth.
6) Get out and escape somewhere else to study by the age of 19.
7) Get a new life while escaping 'somewhere'.
8) Travel the world.
9) Be with my one true soul mate till death do us apart.
10) Prefects life do not suck as much as it already does.
11) Have my own library with the latest books.
12) Master human psychology and get a PHD.